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Percakapan/ Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hobby

Percakapan/ Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hobby

Percakapan/ Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hobby

contoh percakapan bahasa inggris sangat berguna buat anda yang ingin mahir nahasa inggris. kali ini saya memberikan contoh percakapan bahasa inggris dalam hal hobby. dalam percakapan ini tedapat dua yang melakukan percakapan.

Arya: Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna: Ohh .... Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya: What do you mean?
Erna: Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya: Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna: Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?

Arya: Hmm ... I think I do not have hobbies. Should we have a hobby?
Erna: Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most the which is called a hobby.

Arya: So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna: Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya: I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna: That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan's collection?

Arya: Yes, I do. I even go to the black market Because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?

Erna: So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.

Arya: Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna: Yes of course I need much money because i order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.

Arya: Wow .... Your hobby is expensive.
Erna: Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya: Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna: Thank you.
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